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Issue 162 - New Ui?

FSD Beta

V9 FSD Beta Release?

According to Elon probably in a week or so!

V9 FSD Beta will come with new FSD visuals

We already knew about this, but Elon confirmed it again on Twitter. The new UI will “show actual probability distribution of objects – true mind’s eye of the neural net”. I wonder how this would look like, I believe the more that we know what the car is recognizing the more that we will be able to supervise the car, but it might be that at a certain point it is too much, at least for some. I’m excited to discover what Tesla came up with.

New UI & other software updates

A possible look at what V11 could bring

The former Head of UI Design at Tesla recently left the company and uploaded a pretty cool animation to his online portfolio. Will this be in a future new UI? We don’t know but the UI and the animations look πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Pedestrian warning system retrofits, now available

If you own a Model 3 or Model Y from before Tesla introduced the external speaker (Sep 2020 for the Model 3 and Aug 2020 for the Y), you can now schedule a service appointment and get it retrofitted for $200. Model S and Model X owners will have to wait, at least for now.

2021.4.15.5 the auto wiper code is now using all cameras as input

According to Greentheonly, the new software is using all the cameras for its auto wiper function. Up until now, the car only used the cameras behind the windshield for this function but given the area, the aerodynamics of the car, and the fact that it’s heated, Tesla seems to need more input to correctly decide when to turn on the wipers. Greentheonly also mentioned that the neural net looks for a lot of stuff such as “ice, rain, foggy, sun-blinded, wet road, tire spray, tunnel, indoors, …. to name just a few”.

Cybertryck & Model S/X/3

Cybertruck UI is incredible

Another animation from the website of the former Head of UI Design for Tesla, it looks great!

Tesla changes Model S and Model X delivery timeframes for new orders only

This only applies to new orders:

  • Model S Long Range: August – September 2021
  • Model S Plaid: June – July 2021
  • Model S Plaid+: mid-2022 (unchanged)
  • Model X Long Range: October – November
  • Model X Plaid: October – November

Cost of ownership after 37,611 miles in 16 months

The refreshed Model S isn’t that different on the outside, but the inside has completely being reimagined. This article goes Another great video by AI DRIVR, this time showing us Walnut Creek (we live really close by!) through the eyes of FSD. I love the creativity of overlaying the FSD visuals in the video.
A total of 9000kwh consumed, it would have cost $2,340 only charging the car (a Model 3) at home, but it actually cost $600 combining home, Supercharging, and free L2 charging. This is $6,169 less than his previously owned Toyota, and $3,537 less than his previously owned Jetta πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘


Tesla says all Supercharger energy will be renewable in 2021

On Earth Day, Tesla announced that it has plans to power all Superchargers with renewable energy by the end of 2021. Awesome news!

First Tesla Powerwall+ images and specs released

This is the first major update to the Powerwall 2 since it was introduced in 2016. The Powerwall+, this is how Tesla is calling it, it has now a top power of 9.6 kW, which went up from 5 kW continuous and 7 kW peak.

The Wall Connector Gen 3 is now available in some countries in EU

It isn’t available in all countries but it is in the Netherlands, Ireland, and Italy.

πŸ’‘ Tip of the week

Turning off the HVAC by tapping only once: If you press and hold the fan icon, the HVAC will turn off without you needing to tap twice on the screen. When it's off, you can also press and hold to turn it on without the HVAC menu popping up.

πŸ€“ What the acronym?

As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.

  • FSD - Full Self-Driving
  • HVAC - Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
  • UI - User Interface

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