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Nice addition to the Model Y finishes. I personally prefer the black finish, but this seems to me like a good opportunity for Tesbros to come up with new wrap ideas 😉).
More updates coming to the Model Y? Maybe, here is the first look at the Hepa filter in a MIC Model Y with Bioweapon Defense Mode. Living in a place that suffers from wildfires every year, this is great news!
Ryan, from The Kilowatts, recently ran into a wider Model S with manufacturer plates going around in Palo Alto. These are some of the things that he was able to observe: wider body, chrome delete, rear diffuser, and new wheels. What do you think?
Greentheobly has found evidence of what is seems to be called HW3.2 for the Model S and X, according to his findings this will include the selfie cam and it might be yet another hit at some kind of refresh coming soon™
Omar from Whole Mars Catalog just did a trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles with no interventions other than charging the car at a couple of superchargers. Really cool!
Bjørn Nyland tests a 2021 Model 3, equipped with the new heat pump, handling extremely cold temperatures.
This Model 3 owner was bummed by the fact that Tesla removed the hooks in the frunk and decided to 3D print his own for his Model 3 from Q3 2020. If you’re also missing this accessory, and have a 2017-2020 Model 3 (not the new version!) here’s some you can buy on Amazon.
Reddit user u/jentheunicorns proposed a nice looking redesign for the instrument panel that includes flexible viewing modes. Personally, I think it looks much more consistent and I love the idea of the different sizes.
This week, we’re giving away TWO of these beautiful and convenient Tesla stainless steel water bottles. RT and follow @tesletter on Twitter to participate. The winner will be announced on January 13th.
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.
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