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DIMO is a simple, beautiful app that allows you to collect and store all the data from your Tesla for free. They’re building an ecosystem of services to help you save money and get the most out of your car, and early adopters can earn rewards just for contributing data. Sign up today - it takes less than 1 minute to get started!
The best bang for your money Autopilot package is now back for all cars in all (most?) countries. In the US, you can add it to your Tesla for $6k, this would give you all the features that the FSD package offers today, except for traffic and stop sign control, potential access to the FSD Beta, or in the future, autosteering in city streets. If you purchase this package, you can add FSD for $6k until Tesla raises the price again, or subscribe for $99 / month. You can buy it directly on your Tesla app, under Upgrades, Software Updates.
What are the differences between Autopilot, Enhanced Autopilot, FSD, and FSD Beta? Well, it isn’t that easy to explain, but this table offers a simplified easy view of it all.
In a partnership with PG&E, Tesla has launched a new feature that will pay Powerwall owners to help stabilize the electric grid and end brownouts in California. Tesla had released an earlier version of this feature, but it didn’t offer incentives to folks helping PG&E.
As an incentive for drivers to charge in some less busy hours, Tesla is offering free Supercharging at selected locations in California, Arizona, Nevada, Oklahoma, and Texas. You can see the full list and times in the article.
Really nice addition to the in-car navigation, which will now reroute drivers to less crowded Superchargers, trying to balance waiting time and usage.
A bunch of owners shared their preferred audio settings on this Reddit thread.
Third and final segment of the interview that John, Kelvin, Ryan, and Eli did with Elon. In this one, Elon confirms that the production prototype of the Cybertruck is now closed, talks about FSD, and much more (some Tesla, some not).
We talked about this retrofit a few newsletters ago, now this is the final update of the DIY Model Y HEPA Retrofit. Honestly, if someone offers this at a decent price, I will most likely get it for my Model Y.
With a Raspberry Pi and some Open Source software, you can add Apple CarPlay to your Tesla. Personally, I don’t think I need a CarPlay integration, but I’ve seen folks asking for this in the past, if you are the tinkerer type, this might be for you.
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.
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