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Made in the US, their products are available in 25+ countries, and they currently support over 150 installers in the US. Check them out (and request a free consultation).
These matrix headlights consist of 100 individually addressable pixels that are smaller and more efficient than traditional headlamp LEDs. It’s cool to see how accurate they can be.
Even after a headstart, the Plaid dominates the drag race. What a beast!
Ryan McCaffrey mentioned that he got rock-solid confirmation that the new Model S and Model X are now built with the center-screen tilting functionality. As shown in previous videos, past cars had the physical parts but were missing motors to actually move them.
As we just mentioned, seems that Tesla is shipping new cars with the missing components. Here is a video of a refreshed Model S using the tilting functionality 😱
A couple of weeks ago, Tesla announced they were removing the mobile connector from their new cars, for purchases after April 17th, 2022. Now, as promised, Tesla has streamlined their purchase process to easily add on the mobile connector or the wall charger.
The price went down to $400, from $495, for the wall charger, and to $200, from $400, for the mobile connector.
Do you need a CCS1 to Tesla Adapter? Sadly, Tesla doesn’t sell this in the USA, but seems that you can buy it from Tesla in Korea and get it shipped to you in the USA. I wonder if Tesla will change this if the number of US orders goes up.
If you order a CCS1 adapter or you are thinking about it, here is a video of it being tested in the US.
Elon said, “this is a big one”. He has reiterated multiple times that the next version will include many improvements, like complex left turns and heavy traffic, as well as better visualizations. Can’t wait!
Really good request from this Redditor. The car could use the navigation voice to let the driver know what is about to do, eg: " Creeping for visibility" “proceeding through turn” “stopping at a stop sign”. Elon, can you add this?
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.
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