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If you weren’t able to watch it or you just want to see a concise cool summary, check out the thread.
As someone who has driven on the hills of Berkeley, it is amazing to see the car handling these situations!
As someone who has driven on the hills of Berkeley, it is amazing to see the car handling these situations!
As a Tesla owner, I’m tired of keep seeing random people on the internet pointing out how likely is a Tesla to catch fire. This is mainly driven by the media covering every single time a Tesla catches fire, but not when it happens to cars of other brands. In this data published by Tesla, we can see that Tesla’s (and EVs in general) are 10 times less likely to catch fire. I love data 🤓
Dirty Tesla explains how his two power walls are still powering up his house after many days without power.
Although this would translate into 351 miles if using the EPA’s calculation, it is still a good improvement from the current 326 miles.
According to Elon, they are finishing the engineering work this year and starting production next year (2022). Tesla is aiming to release a drivable candidate design in late summer. I can’t wait to see what the final product looks like.
We have included each of their videos reviewing the Plaid, this time they discuss their impressions together, take a look!
In the US, when you’re in Autopilot and your car asks you to touch the steering wheel, you can just use the scroll wheel for the notification to go away.
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.
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