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Anyone else is thinking of the movie I, Robot?
This week we’re partnering with Evannex to give away a lighted T for your Tesla (you choose the model). Check out pinned tweet to participate. Good luck!
I like the enlarged display and having the night mode, it is much easier to see the FSD visualization this way.
It seems that our friends in Europe can now buy EAP again. EAP offers all the same features that FSD offers at the moment in Europe, this is a really good bang for your buck.
Tesmanian reports that Tesla got the permit for a “new model early launch project”, maybe the compact Tesla MIC is closer to be a reality than what we think.
Ryan from the Kilowatts ran into this truck in Sacramento just a few days ago and now a trucker run into it and filmed it, the commentary is interesting nonetheless
Really interested in seeing how the acceleration degrades in cold weather as the SOC gets lower.
Depending on where you live and what your charging options are this CHAdeMO adapter may be a good option and is now $50 cheaper.
Nice picture (not new) from the components inside a Powerwall 2.
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.
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