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Issue 73 - My car runs on ☀️

Comparison of best Model 3 compatible tires (18'', 19'', 20'')

Shopping for tires? Well, even if you aren’t, I think you should keep this link. Reddit user twinbee has created this really useful table of tires from each tire category using the Tirerack.com. Great resource for Model 3 owners!

Read more: Reddit

Why is the sound system in Model 3 the best we've ever tested fitted to a car?

According to Paul Maric, Tesla hired ex-engineers from Bang and Olufsen and gave them the task to design and source the best speakers and amplifiers on the market. The result is the system that is in the Model 3.

Read more: Twitter

My car runs on ☀️, new t-shirt design

“My car updates” keeps on being our best selling t-shirt (and one of our favorites), but that doesn’t mean we don’t keep coming up with new ideas. Today, we present you our latest addition to the family: “My car runs on ☀️”.

Tell us what you think on Twitter and check out this and other designs on our Spreadshirt Shop.

PS. Thanks TeslaRaj for not only purchasing a bunch of them, but also rocking them at your videos so often!

Check out this Tarantino-inspired 'Death Proof' Tesla Model 3

Lots of Tesla owners try to make their vehicle unique, Jaimee Newberry has customized her Model 3 to resemble the iconic car from Death Proof.

BTW, if you have a creative child you probably want to check out Jaimme’s project https://picturethisclothing.com/

Read more: Evannex

Contest Alert: Win a Tesla hat

Can’t get enough Tesla swag? I know, it happens the same to us. As suggested by some of you on Twitter, for our next contest we’re going to be giving away two Tesla hats.

Check out pinned tweet to participate. Good luck!

Everything you've ever wanted to know about the Tesla Roadster

Gruber Motors specializes on repairing and producing spare parts for Tesla Roadsters, now they also create videos about the original Tesla Roadster. If you want to know more about it, I highly recommend you to watch them:

FSD price increase postponed

Directly from Elon “Price increase for Tesla FSD postponed until version 10 with Smart Summon is in wide release, which is about 4 to 8 weeks away, depending on how early access goes”.

Read more: Twitter

Tesla controls iOS volume

New on 2019.28, the car now controls the volume of our iPhone if connected via bluetooth. Small details that makes it more convenient.

Read more: Twitter

Tesla Semi is operating at approximately 75,000 lbs and the truck is meeting or exceeding the range estimates

Honestly, I can’t wait for Tesla to release the Semi and start seeing it on the road.

Read more: Facebook

Tesla Solar details from someone who ordered it

Tesla released their “Rent Solar” program this past week in a few states (Arizona, California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New Mexico), an option that is going to attract people who had reasons to not do a long term investment in solar. If you want to know more about reasons to jump on “Rent Solar” vs buying, Athabascad shares very helpful information going through his reasons.

Read more: Twitter

Tesla is not discontinuing their loaner program

Every so often a service center tells someone that they aren’t doing loaners anymore. Well, Elon just said on Twitter that it isn’t correct. I hope this means more loaners in the future and happier owners when they have lo drop off their loved vehicles for service.

Read more: Twitter

What the acronym?

As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.

  • FSD - Full Self-Driving

Because we 💚 Tesla

Our Model S rocked so much that we designed some sweet t-shirts to go with it. Check out all of our designs at https://shop.spreadshirt.com/tesletter

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