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Issue 58 - Having fun with the new web browser

2019.16 release notes

The release includes several goodies, I would recommend you to read the whole thing, but here are a few highlights:

  • Sentry mode has a new setting to keep it always on and exclude places
  • Set your software update preference and let Tesla know that you want them to send new software updates to your car as soon as they become available for your car and region
  • Conditional Speed Limits are now displayed - if they apply to your current road - under the regular speed limit sign. I assume this still doesn’t include cameras recognizing the speed limits but who knows

Does Tesla have the wrong speed limit for a street in your area? Report it!

Harvey Payne, from the closed Facebook Group ‘Tesla Tips & Tricks’, has informed that after reporting the correct speed limit on OpenStreetMap it took his car less than a week to start showing the correct speed limit.

I’ve seen a lot of discrepancies in the past about how to go about reporting bad maps data, but according to Harvey and a couple of other comments, this one actually work. If there is an incorrect speed limit, illegal turn, or others, help everyone and report it to OpenStreetMap!

Read more: Facebook (you need to be part of the group to access)

Tesla Chrome Remote Desktop

Tesla just updated their browser on MCU2 cars and people are looking at what can be done. This is an example of Tesla’s new web browser running Chrome Remote Desktop which basically allows the Tesla bowser accessing another computer securely over the Internet.

TesPlayer (Spotify remote for Tesla Browser) works awesome with the tesla browser

We’ve talked about TesPlayer in the past, it is a great way of controlling your Spotify and not having to pull your phone out. Well, it seems that now it just got better thanks to the tesla browser.

Read more: Reddit

Full Self-Driving Video

i1Tesla took the FSD video and slowed it down to see all the cool stuff on it. We wish Karen a prompt recovery, positive thoughts for you two!

Tesla cars now pre-order faulty parts automatically

Now, if your Tesla detects a faulty system it will not only alert you but pre-order the parts and ship them to your closest service center 😱. Pretty amazing!

Read more: Reddit

150kW Supercharger mega test

They took 6 cars to the Supercharger in the middle of the night to do a 5% to 90% charge test with the new 2019.12 software that unlocks 150kW peak rate.

Tesla insurance product to be fronted by Markel’s State National

During their earnings call, Tesla announced they are working on a new insurance product, potentially targeting people using Autopilot and more of the ADAS systems that our Teslas have. It is obvious that Tesla knows a lot about our driving, speed, routes, type of driving, etc so they can tailor the rates better. From the article:

“The purpose of the product is to use Tesla’s proprietary technology to lower costs and improve the customer experience by embedded technology to support the underwriting, rating, claims, repair, and product manufacturing network, including direct data feeds with customer permission, when required, that eliminate frictional costs and inefficiencies inherent in traditional insurance processes.”

So far, we are happy with Geico but it is good to have other options out there.

Read more: Reinsurance News

More advanced safety features for Tesla owners

Tesla started releasing Lane Departure Avoidance and Emergency Lane Departure Avoidance with the new 2019.16 firmware. It is great to see Tesla getting better and better on safety issues. All owners with the hardware necessary (probably HW2 and after) will get these features since safety features don’t require you to have purchased AP or FSD.

Read more: Tesla

Tesletter contest

We’re giving away an awesome Tesletter t-shirt to a lucky winner of our May contest. To enter the contest, RT this and subscribe to our newsletter (if you’re receiving this email, you don’t need to subscribe again, but your friens will have to :)). The winner will be announced on Twitter (@tesletter) on 5/31.

What the acronym?

As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.

  • FSD - Full Self-Driving
  • MCU2 - Media Control Unit. #2 has a more powerful Intel x86_64 processor. All Model 3 have this version as well as the Model S and Model X built after end of March 2018.
  • ADAS - Advanced Driver Assistant System
  • HW2 - Hardware 2
  • AP - Autopilot

Because we 💚 Tesla

Our Model S rocked so much that we designed some sweet t-shirts to go with it. Check out all of our designs at https://shop.spreadshirt.com/tesletter

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