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Feynlab’s DIY products follow a regimen: Preparation, Protection, Maintenance. First Prepare the paint by washing with Pure Wash, followed by Panel Prep to remove any residual oil or contaminants. Then Protect your Tesla using Ceramic Lite - the easiest coating to apply. Then Maintain the coating with Pure Wash, and if you want that extra touch of protection, follow it up with Ceramic Spray Sealant every couple of months. Get a free quote.
Elon confirmed it on Twitter: “updated UI coming with FSD wide release”. Whenever this release arrives, and know we have been waiting for it for a while, it will also include the new visualizations to understand what the car is seeing and what it plans to do a bit better.
Greentheonly found a Neural Network used for depth perception and came up with a cool way of visualizing it. I have to say that what Tesla can do with cameras is quite impressive.
Wouldn’t it be great that your phone identifies you with any Tesla that you drive/ride and adjusts your preferences accordingly? That seems to be the vision that Elon shares as well, he said that in the longer term that is what will happen.
At low speed (e.g. parking) the rear wheels turn opposite to the front wheels, reducing the turning radius. This will give the Cybertruck the ability to do super tight turns.
Last week, I had the privilege of joining my friend when he was taking delivery of the new Model S Long Range. Going through the menu, I discovered that the Long Range version comes with Insane Mode and Drag Strip Mode. BTW, this car is beautiful!
Or what is the same, it added ~260 miles of range in just 35 min, not bad at all!
If you are a master of regen braking, the lifespan of your brake can easily last over 100,000 miles. In this case, this Model S owner is now on 400,000 km (~250k miles) and still hasn’t replaced their brake pads 😱
Not a bad idea to put it on the phone case, and this is only for backup when the phone dies. The problem, as the author puts on Reddit, is it prevents the phone’s NFC from working when the case is on.
Depending on where you live, valet folks might not know how to lock/unlock or place your key card to drive. In order to help with that, u/potatosomersault made a printable version that you can hand to the valet so they know exactly what to do.
Use A Better Routeplanner for planning a trip with multiple stops, trips with a required SOC at arrival, or if you want to just plan from your couch. They also have a pretty decent mobile app. This is one of those essential websites for Telsa and EV owners.
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.
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