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Tesla lowered the price of the Model Y Long Range AWD by $3,000 on Saturday, July 11th. The other current version offered, the Model Y Performance, received a $1,000 price drop. If you’re purchasing a Model Y soon and we have been helpful to you in any way, please use our referral code http://ts.la/ignacio9266 to get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging.
According to Elon on Twitter, Tesla is doing range testing of the Model Y LR RWD at the moment and in Elon’s words, the RWD’s range will be ‘significantly higher than 300 miles’. In the same thread, he confirmed that there won’t be a SR version of the Model Y because ‘the range would be under 250 miles and wouldn’t be acceptable’. Speculation (and to my friend Lars) say that the price of the LR RWD will be around $45k.
For those of you who were wondering about Track Mode being available in the Model Y, our friend John from @teslaownerssv asked about it and it seems it may become a reality! Or at least, Elon said it’s possible.
Both specs of the Model S and Model X have recently been updated indicating 250kW of Supercharging. Meanwhile, Elon has shared on Twitter that ‘technically, it wonβt be quite 1000 mph charging’ but also ‘a Model X bought in Dec. 2019 may be able to reach 250kW at low states of charge’. Some changes in the wiring had to be done for this, thus this doesn’t seem something that is going to be possible for older Raven Model S and X.
The image looks like the new dual-motor for the Model S Plaid version. And it seems about the same size as the current motor, which means it could fit into the present S platform without major modification. However, changes in the battery and other components might still require a change there.
Last week, Elon Musk participated in the WAIC in Shanghai and shared an update on Tesla’s AI and FSD. Specifically, he said Tesla has no fundamental challenges remaining for Level 5 autonomy and it’s just many small problems that need to be solved: “I feel like we are very close to level 5 autonomy. We will have the basic functionality for level 5 autonomy complete this year”. You’ve heard the man! Level 5 should allow the driver to stay hands-free most or all of the time.
YouTube has recently re-published this old Tesla documentary in full. I’m not sure of the original publishing date, but it could be 2012 or 2013. It’s fun to see how Tesla’s vision was pictured just a few years ago, almost like a sci-fi story (check out the music!). The future is now and it’s clear that Tesla’s vision will fully become a reality soon. So easy to believe in it now, right?
Every time that I’ve got change my tires/wheels I get overwhelmed with options. i1Tesla shares his views on what’s better and compares a few options while talking about performance, efficiency, cost, longevity, brands, etc. Thank you, Brian, for helping us see the light!
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.
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