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People in the Early Access Program have now a new AP visualization when changing lanes.
The same version allows the driver to zoom in and rotate.
Cool stuff!
According to greentheonly and after him taking a look at 2019.32, “feeling lucky” nav mode and “downloadable game packs” are nearly complete. According to the code that he saw there is also a new feature called “Smart AC Charging” coming soon too!
Read more: Twitter
jchybow shared this on Twitter. I honestly hadn’t heard about overtake acceleration before, good to know!
Read more: Twitter
Trevor, from Tesla Owners Online, and Ian Pavelko, took a Model 3 into track. Spoiler: the Model 3 Performance peaked at 163mph or 262kmh.
Several months ago, Tesla announced they were working on a new Tesla insurance product. Yesterday, they finally released it, and according to Tesla “Tesla insurance is a competitively priced insurance offering, designed to provide Tesla owners with up to 20% lower rates, and in some cases as much as 30%”. Well, we tried it and in our case we got a quote 20% more expensive than what we pay at the moment. At the time of writing this newsletter Tesla has already taken down the quote page to improve the algorithm.
If you are in California, I recommend to at least get a quote, it takes only a couple of minutes. It is really the best insurance quote product that I’ve ever tried.
Read more: Tesla
EVgo has published a great article about charging ettiquete and while not all of it applies to Tesla, it’s pretty helpful. The most important things in the article for me are: a) charging spaces are for charging and b) keep the space tidy.
BTW Peter Coombe (@justIVfun on Twitter) is running an iniciative called AdoptASupercharger (@TeslaAdopt on Twitter) to keep Superchargers clean. Reach out to him if you want to volunteer your time to keep your local Spercharger tidy.
Read more: EVgo
Tesla said this a while ago but just now owners (thanks DirtyTesla) are reporting it showing up in their Tesla accounts.
Read more: Reddit
Ok, it is a small one, no traffic and it just continues straight after the roundabout… but this seems like progress!
A few shots of the interior of the GF3 in Shanghai got leaked this week. They show how Tesla is already testing the production lines.
Read more: Twitter
We recently launched a Patreon to be able to keep investing in and growing Tesletter. If you like what we do and feel like supporting us, you can do that on our Patreon page.
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.