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[Sponsored] Made in the US, their products are available in 25+ countries, and they currently support over 150 installers in the US. Check them out (and request a free consultation).
Great list, video, and PDF checklist from our friends at Tesbros for those of you (or your friends) looking into purchasing a used Tesla. Go take a look!
This owner describes the process of getting the new center console in their 2018 Model 3. Reading all that they had to do, the process doesn’t seem easy, but if you are one of those who really dislike the old console, take a look. Some of the work necessary includes replacing the wire harness, and having to place wireless chargers from Amazon and put them behind the charger pad.
A few months ago, we talked about a way of getting one of these imported. Well, this week Tesla just started selling them on their website. If you want access to other fast chargers, like Electrify America, you should get one of these while they are still in stock.
2022.36 will notify you when your car has been left unlocked, historical usage of Supercharger with by the hour graph for you to know what to expect, and a brand new energy graph.
This Friday, September 30, is the second edition of the Tesla AI Day, and while this event is mainly focused on recruiting, I found the one last year fascinating and packed with great information. We should expect the event around 5 pm Pacific Time. If you are interested in the live stream, you should be able to find it on Tesla’s Youtube channel
Tesla has been granted a patent for its Autolabeling system. In their patent, Tesla describes how they are using short videos to model the road and be able to extract and label information in them, without manual intervention. In the past, we’ve talked about how, as part of AI, Tesla and other companies needed to label tons of data in order for the NN to learn, this is a step in the direction of massively increasing the amount of data that Tesla can use.
Elon Musk tweeted about how Tesla plans to have a river open to the public, as well as a boardwalk with amenities that goes all the way to downtown Austin. Tesla first needs to get the factory to full capacity, but Elon even said, in a reply to our buddy John from TOSV, that they might do electric Tesla boats 😱.
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.
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