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The Semi that got painted at the Cyber Rodeo, was just spotted westbound 80 near Colfax, CA.
Really cool visualization of the drag coefficient for the Cybertruck. In this simulation, the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) has a value of 0.39. Note: This simulation was done without side mirrors, expect those to alter the results substantially.
In the screenshot, the car seems to be showing its route very far ahead, vs. the immediate direction right now, especially when cars are in front.
In the last earnings call, Tesla revealed that it has now more than 100k drivers using FSD Beta in North America, with more than 35 million miles driven.
Last week, we shared that the FSD Beta v10.13 mentioned Chuck Cook’s left turn, it seems that Tesla has not only trained the network in similar turns, they actually sent ADAS testers to run by the left turn. In the video, even with room for improvement, you can see the testing car performing better than previous FSD builds.
Elon tweeted on Saturday that he was excited to be working on Tesla to offer same-hour service as often as possible. He even mentioned that Tesla will be applying Formula 1 pit crew techniques to Teslas, to this, I need to see it first to believe it 😊
When Tesla was planning Giga Berlin, Elon said that it will have the most advanced paint shop in the world, and a bit after we discovered that two exclusive colors will be available there. According to a report from Drive Tesla Canada, this week two Model Y Performances in Mercury Silver Metallic and Deep Crimson Multicoat were produced. It appears that these vehicles will be sent to the USA for validation.
If you buy a new Tesla now, Standard Connectivity will be included for 8 years, after that, if you want to have any connectivity at all, you will need to pay for Premium Connectivity.
Seems to be China only, for now. Tesla is introducing a function in the app to allow sending a video by sharing the URL.
According to Greentheonly, the new firmware uses an insane amount of details to improve range predictions. In the list of things now taken into account we can find, the tire pressure, air density, battery heat/cool, and the amount of energy loss to phone charging and 12V accessories 😱.
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.
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