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Have I said before that I love how many entrepreneurs are there in the Tesla Community? Our really good friend, and also the first Tesla referral that we ever had, recently replaced his Model 3 P with a refreshed Model S Long Range. After not finding great options to protect his new car, he decided to start his own business selling DIY PPF and vinyl kits for the new Model S and is now extending the products to the rest of the cars. Take a look and support one of us!
Get 15% off TWraps with the code TESLETTER
We’ve talked about this app in the past, it is done by the same developer who does Stats, but this time I wanted to talk about a great new feature they just introduced. It requires an additional in-app purchase, but it’s totally worth it. It scans the Sentry folder and marks events that are triggered by human movement in the scene. Pretty cool!
According to Elon in a reply to @28delayslater on Twitter, they’re not only considering changing the free color for Tesla vehicles- currently white- but they will also consider bringing the silver back!
Great video, it explains how Tesla manages 27 production changes per week per model, something that has made them resilient to the chip shortage and is allowing them to continuously evolve. I have to say the video has some annoying background music and that the format is kind of weird, but the content is really good.
This video is showing a bit more disengagements than what we have seen before, still impressive to see what the beta software can do.
Elon mentioned last week they will start with folks with the perfect score and open it to more daily, hopefully starting this Friday.
“To the point where if given an option to switch to a normal wheel, I wouldn’t take it."- he shared on Twitter. Would you?
The refreshed Model X is expected to start production in Q4. Recently, a few of them were seen at the Fremont logistics lot, probably ready to do some testing for final tweaking. Can’t wait to see it IRL.
By aggregating the solar generating capacity and the storage capacity of Tesla Energy Plan households, Tesla can create a virtual power plant, and it is starting to do so in places like Texas and the UK where it has applied or partnered with others to become a retail energy provider. What do you think, would you switch to Tesla Energy?
I love to see the Supercharging network expanding to new countries and continents, woohoo!
If you are trying to have a good Safety Score but for some reason, you had to do a hard break or something else, if you reboot your car before switching to Park, the score won’t be saved. I don’t know if Tesla will fix this in future software updates, but for now, it does work.
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.
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