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Several comments made by CEO Elon Musk since the launch of its AP 2.0 hardware suite in all Tesla vehicles made since October 2016 indicate that the company might have to update its onboard computer in order to achieve the fully self-driving capability that it has been promising to customers.
Now it looks like Tesla might have to also offer computer retrofits for AP 2.5 cars.
Read more: Electrek.com
California owners of Zero Emission Vehicles (like Tesla) will be required to pay the DMV a $100 annual fee which will increase annually, beginning 2020.
Read more: Alternative Fuel Data Center
It seems like the actual key fob also uses Bluetooth since September 2016 (see Electrek’s post about this), so I assume both the S and the X have the appropriate antennas to power using the phone as the key.
Read more: Twitter
No WiFi for Model 3 yet, though :-/
Read more: Reddit
bluhorshue explains his experience with the recently delivered (in a week or so) CPO Tesla. “While I could have been happier, I was still very happy with the car at the price I paid, and wouldn’t hesitate to still recommend the CPO program. The people I dealt with were all very pleasant and responsive.”
Read more: TMC Forums
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.