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Seems that the software has had this ability for some time now, it is available in China - but Greentheonly discovered that he could activate it outside of China. C’mon Tesla, release it for everyone!
Finally! Tesla is moving the arrival SoC back to the overview, where it belongs. No more expanding directions just to see that information. Yes!
Small but interesting improvements:
From the release notes in 2022.20 “Tesla Adaptive Suspension will now adjust ride height for an upcoming rough road section. This adjustment may occur at various locations, subject to availability, as the vehicle downloads rough road map data generated by Tesla vehicles.”
In the analysis, Munro placed the Model S Plaid and Model Y battery packs side-by-side to explain the differences and comparisons between both. This article does a great summary of what Sandy found in the Plaid’s battery pack, which unsurprisingly has been built to deliver a lot of power at once.
Another Reddit post to explain how to retrofit the Y to get the Bio Defense Mode. The total cost is only $110 and about 15 minutes. The post includes how to order the parts, which parts and numbers, and how this owner got Tesla to software enable the Bio Defense Mode.
Ryan shared his experience on Twitter. One interesting bit, other than the overall speed- which seems a bit faster- is that the car immediately started charging at 205kW instead of taking time to ramp up.
According to an owner who signed up for the service, once they signed up there were over 1,200 homes in the program.
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.
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