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Issue 32 - Advanced Summon coming soon

Advanced Summon should be ready in ~6 weeks

Elon recently published a tweet storm where he went in more detail about what to expect for Advanced Summon:

  • Car will drive to your phone location
  • You’ll be able to drive it from your phone remotely like a big RC car if in line of sight
  • It’ll work on all cars made in past 2 years (HW2+)

It certainly sounds ambitious but if Tesla can deliver something like this it would be awesome!

Read more: Twitter

Spreadsheet comparing the time spent in road trips for Model 3 SR/MR/LR

u/ChemtrailDreams has published a spreadsheet comparing the time spent (or saved) driving a certain distance by the different versions of the Model 3. There is a bunch of interesting data there, for example, this Seattle - San Francisco (815 miles) trip:

  • SR 16:23:00
  • MR: 15:26:00
  • LR (with Aero): 14:57:00

So the difference between the Standard Range and the Long Range in a 815 miles road trip is 1 hour and 26 minutes. Worth the $18k difference (the LR being more expensive Model 3)? Well, that honestly depends on you and the options that you would add to the SR plus factoring in the tax incentive. In any case, it’s worth looking at these numbers and thinking about it when purchasing a Model 3.

See more: Google Spreadsheet

[California Only] PG&E Clean Fuel Rebate increasing to $800 on Jan 1st

Starting on Jan 1st the PG&E Clean Fuel Rebate will increase from $500 to $800. If you purchased your Tesla recently and haven’t applied or you are getting it in the next couple of months just hold off and apply after January 1st to get an extra $300!

Read more: PG&E

Neural Networks & Autopilot v9 With Jimmy_d

Jimmy_d does an awesome job at explaining Neural Networks and Tesla’s work on Autopilot to us mere mortals. Definitely worth listening!

Listen to the interview: TechCast Daily

New 30 day Enhanced Autopilot trial!

Tesla just raised the price of AP if purchased after delivery to $8k but the new trial offers a promotional price of $5,500. If you try it and like it, buy it while it’s still discounted!

Disclaimer: We love our AP and think it makes road trips much more relaxed even though you still have to pay full attention to the car, traffic, etc.

Read more: Tesla

Elon Musk: The Recode interview

Kara Swisher from Recode Decode did an awesome interview to Elon. He talks about everything from Tesla’s close to death earlier this year, to what is down the pipe for Tesla, to rockets, Mars, and others. A few Tesla related highlights:

  • NoA comes to a halt at the intersection after the off-ramp. I didn’t know about it until I listed to this podcast.
  • Tesla is now integrating stop signs, traffic lights, hard right turns, or hairpin bends.
  • Elon Musk thinks Tesla would archive full self-driving in 2019 and no other competitor is close to it, although it also seems like he doesn’t worry much about competitors.
  • The future Tesla pickup truck is going to be a really futuristic-like cyberpunk, “Blade Runner”, pickup truck. Elon is really excited about it.

Listen to the interview: Recode Decode

Power user move for v9 climate control

Tip and Trick: Long-pressing on the fan icon will toggle the climate control on and off.

Read more: Reddit

Seeing the world the wrong way in v9

Verygreen is back, this time he got a video of how v9 sees the world in right hand drive countries. This one is from Japan.

What the acronym?

As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.

  • RC - Radio Control
  • HW2+ - Autopilot Hardware version 2 and after
  • SR - Standard Range
  • MR - Medium Range
  • LR - Long Range
  • V9 - Version 9
  • AP - Autopilot
  • NoA - Navigate on Autopilot

Because we 💚 Tesla

Our Model S rocked so much that we designed some sweet t-shirts to go with it. Check out all of our designs at https://shop.spreadshirt.com/tesletter

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