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RyanZohoury shared his experience with HW4 on Twitter. The repeater cameras can now see almost 90° from the side of the car. This much wider angle should help reduce the need to creep as much at intersections. Thanks, Ryan, for sharing!"
Did you know that a Tesla Model 3 can travel over a mile using the same amount of energy it takes to boil a pot of water? It can also go 4 times farther than a Toyota Corolla using the same amount of energy. Cool, right?
New strings added to the App seem to indicate that Tesla will be adding the option to charge your car on excess solar, which is great for those without Powerwalls. The description text says “Plug in your vehicle at home during the day to charge using the excess clean energy generated by your solar system”.
I believe this should be a feature of the official app, but until then, if you use Stats App or were thinking about doing so, they have just added this feature. It works via Bluetooth, so you don’t need the internet, tap on anything, or launch the app.
Lego Ideas is a website where users can submit ideas for Lego sets. If an idea receives 10,000 supporters, it stands a chance of being produced as an official Lego product. The original designer receives 1% of the royalties from the sale of the set. An awesome set of a Tesla Center was proposed by a Tesla owner, and it can be supported on the website. Consider giving it your support!
We shared another video of Sebastian Vittel last week, but this week he took his Model S Plaid to the Nürburgring and said, ‘the car is AMAZING’. The specs of the car are as follows: Tesla Model S Plaid in track mode at 95% SOC, 50% front 50% rear traction distribution, and 60% brake regeneration.
This information comes from Greentheonly, which essentially is a guarantee of what is coming to the cars soon. I know many of you purchased the car after Tesla removed the Ultrasonic Sensors and will be really happy to know this is finally coming!
Thanks to our friends at Teslascope for the update: FSD Beta has started rolling out to non-employee early testers. Now, Tesla, please send it to my car!
Great video by AI DRIVR, one of the coolest setups out there.
Here’s a nice side-by-side video of both options. You can see that in FSD Beta, the car doesn’t require the driver to hold the steering wheel to confirm the lane change.
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.
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