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The Roof Rack accessory used to only be available for the pano roof. But since Tesla discontinued the pano roof, they are now releasing a roof rack compatible with the all glass roof.
See more: Tesla Shop
According to this service representative, the best way of getting Sporify - or any feature for that matter - in our Teslas, is to email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]?subject=Feature%20Request%3A%20Spotify%20in%20Tesla%20NA
&body=Hi%20there%20-%0A%0AI%27m%20reaching%20out%20because%20I%20would%20love%20to%20see%20Spotify%20on%20my%20Tesla%2C%20I%20hope%20Tesla%20prioritizes%20this%20feature%20and%20releases%20it%20soon.%0A%0ABest%2C) requesting the feature. If you would like to see Spotify in your Tesla (and don’t live in Europe) spread the word!
Read more: Reddit
The famous artsci is back, this time lighting up the back of his Model 3 as he previously did with his Model S. You can find the WIP here.
According to Perry, TMC 2019.4. introduces Track Mode in M3Ps without PUP. We haven’t been able to find confirmation, if you have a M3P without PUP and 2019.4 or later, please let us know if Track Mode is there.
Read more: TMC Forum
Pretty cool visalization of the different Tesla models and their updates and feature rollouts.
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.