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Issue 39 - New mobile app features

Pole Position and Breakout games included with MCU1

greentheonly confirmed both Pole Position and Breakout games are included with the MCU1 firmware and they work perfectly. They are just not enabled by default.

We’re big fans of greentheonly (or verygreen) and we really want to thank you for sharing your knowledge, this newsletter wouldn’t be the same without you.

Read more: TMC Forum

Tesla owners raging about AP on version 2018.48

Lots of Tesla owners reporting AP on 2018.48 is great.

“This is literally the first time I felt like my car can actually drive itself.”

“I feel like it now handles curves perfectly.”

“This update, even with AP2.5 hardware, made me really hopeful and optimistic about FSD. I didn’t really enjoy my NoAP experience too much before.”

We haven’t really had a chance to fully try it yet, but we’re very excited after reading all these comments :D

Read more: Reddit

NoAP finally available in Canada

2018.49.12.1 finally brings NoAP to our neighbors in the north. Enjoy!

Read more: Reddit

Tesla AP urban environment 360-degree visualization

A visualization of the data eight autopilot cameras see when driving in an urban environment with cross traffic. Data for visualization was taken directly from an AP2.5 car.

Coast to coast mode included in the latest firmwareNoAP finally available in Canada

According to greentheonly (aka verygreen) it comes disabled by default, but 18.48 version includes ‘Coast to coast mode’, although it can’t be enabled by ‘normal means’ (he’s still looking into it).

Read more: Reddit

You can still order and get your Tesla delivered before the tax incentive decreases

Tesla is releasing every inventory vehicle and if in good faith from both parts they can deliver your car by EOY Tesla would cover the tax credit difference. If you end up ordering yourself a late Christmas and we have been helpful to you in any way, please consider using our referral code, we would be really honored if you do https://www.tesla.com/referral/ignacio9266

Read more: Twitter

New mobile app new features!

There are being a bunch of new additions to the mobile app recently. The version released last week allows to schedule service appointments from the app as well as turning on seat and steering wheel heating.

These Holidays give others the gift of Tesletter

If you love the Tesletter, please forward this issue to other fellow Tesla owners or post about it on Tesla forums or Facebook Tesla related groups. It’s been nine months since we started and we’ve reached 650 subscribers but it’ll be awesome to be able to share our love for Tesla with even more people.

In case you need it, here’s a link to this issue.

What the acronym?

As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.

  • AP - Autopilot
  • AP 2.5 - Autopilot hardware released after August 2017
  • FSD - Full Self-Driving
  • NoAP - Navigate on Autopilot
  • MCU 1 - Media Control Unit. Version 1 has an NVIDIA Tegra-3 chip. All Model S and Model X built before the end of March 2018 have this version.
  • EOY - End of Year
  • AKA - Also Known As

Because we 💚 Tesla

Our Model S rocked so much that we designed some sweet t-shirts to go with it. Check out all of our designs at https://shop.spreadshirt.com/tesletter

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Tesletter is put together by Ignacio and Vanessa. We're really grateful for all the love and feedback we receive. If you like what we do, please consider supporting Tesletter. All the funds will go into making Tesletter more awesome.