Blog posts related to Brakes
What’s in Tesla’s software update 2020.8.1
Tesla is rolling out update version 2020.8.1 with third-party charging stations in the in-car navigation system, track mode v2 for the Performance Model 2, regen braking for the newer Raven models, and more.

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Past Tesletter articles
Model 3 Brake performance started rolling out on May 25th
Tesla reduces stopping distance by nearly 20 feet after OTA braking update. Just wow!
Read more: Consumer Reports
From issue #10Model 3 just updated to 2018.10.5 and has lots of new features
Release notes include:
- Automatic braking maximum speed increased from 50 to 90 mph.
- Unlocking with phone - now must grab handle for it to unlock.
- Rearranged touchscreen icons by switching the left vent icons with the music and cell phone icons on the right.
- Heated backseats controlled through the AC icon.
Read more:
From issue #1Model 3 software update
Two additions in this release:
- Your M3 now supports key fobs (available to purchase in the Tesla store)
- Regenerative braking has been improved (only for M3 RWD)
Tesla won’t stop until Model 3 has better braking than any remotely comparable car
Tesla Model 3 shows 60-0 mph braking weakness in CR tests, Elon Musk responds: “Looks like this can be fixed with a firmware update. Will be rolling that out in a few days. With further refinement, we can improve braking distance beyond initial specs. Tesla won’t stop until Model 3 has better braking than any remotely comparable car.”
Read more: Twitter
From issue #9Why is 'sudden acceleration' not possible?
Jason Hughes (@wk057) - a famous Tesla tinkerer - gives a detailed explanation about how the brake and go pedal works and how a redundant system makes impossible for a Tesla to accelarate when the driver press the breaks as some people have suggested in the past. I love it when people with reaaally deep understanding of the systems explain them to us.
From issue #51