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Last month, the federal tax credit for residential charging equipment installation was extended by Congress. If you installed charging equipment at your primary residence on or before December 31, 2017, you may be eligible for a credit of up to $1,000.ยป
Read More: Alternative Fuels Data Center
The new navigation just started rolling out in USA and Mexico. The new maps are downloaded via wifi and independently from the new firmware. The new navigation shows up on the IC, while the Google Maps in the MCU remain the same.
verygreen informs that “has a super flexible backend with a whole bunch of functionality that Tesla decided not to expose in UI (like preferred route types, multiple voices, multi-stop routes (exposed via supercharger stops) and so on).”
Once the new navigation gets activated these are the release notes:
Thank you mennydrives for this awesome spreadsheet to compare gas/electricity prices.
See document: Google spreadsheet
EThe main qualities of superchargers evaluated and shared by Taxhero (thanks for that!) are:
Apart from the overall score or the supercharger, in this thread Taxhero analyzes the following qualities of the superchargers between Los Angeles and Las Vegas: availability, accessibility, amenities, restrooms, food options, and proximity to amenities.
The superchargers reviewed are Rancho Cucamonga, Yermo, Baker, and Primm.
Thank for sharing!
Read more: Reddit
These are some of the details published on Electrek:
Read more: electrek.co
The Model 3 has already surpassed the Audi A4 in sales.
U.S. Sales, 2018 Q1
If Tesla achieves their production goal for Q2 they would be at the top of the list.
Read more: Reddit
As Tesla fan I find myself sometimes having to remember what are all those acronyms, here is a list of the ones you can find in this issue.