This is part of our 100 issue celebration publication where we pay tribute to the Tesla community by sharing just a few of the stories that brought us all here.
Hi, my name is Dennis (Tesla Owners Club of Orange County) and I have a Roadster, Model S, and Model 3.
The first time I drove a Tesla...
😁. Early. Tesla store’s Roadster.
Favorite thing about my car
The instant torque originally, the community we helped create now.
Least favorite thing about my car
Battery degradation. 1 car is 11 years old (soon to be 12) the other has 123k miles.
I wish my Tesla had...
360 camera view when parking.
My favorite accessory
Torklift The Law 2 license frame bracket
My second favorite accessory
The official CHAdeMO adapter
If I could ask Elon Musk one question, that would be...
What’s next?
Why Tesla?
Because it’s the best EV out and the best fit for me.